The Resuscitation Council (UK) is the medical charity that produces the official UK guidelines for CPR that are followed by the NHS and all the first aid charities. Working with the creative team here at UNIT9, Lifesaver – a revolutionary new way to learn CPR - application is now available on iOS and Android for both mobile and tablet devices.
An estimated 60,000 people each year in the UK have an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest and, sadly, less than 10% of those people will survive. Yet, if a bystander is able to start CPR they could double a person’s chances of survival.
Lifesaver is a crisis simulator, which fuses interactivity and live-action film to teach CPR in a new way, on your computer, smartphone or tablet. And it’s completely free.
Guiding the user through three CPR situations, Lifesaver's users are expected to react within time limits, showing consistency throughout each section and are scored at the end of each gameplay scenario.
To allow a certain competitiveness streak to Lifesaver, and to encourage younger users, the option to track and share your score through social platforms such as Facebook and Twitter is available.
The long term goals of Lifesaver are clear: To save lives. But, with technologies increasingly becoming part of everyone's day-to-day lives, Lifesaver has the tools to make a real difference within local communities; from Secondary schooling right through to further education, the impact of this revolutionary new way to learn CPR can be huge.
Dr Mike Knapton, Associate Medical Director at the British Heart Foundation, said: “We need all the help we can get in the battle to improve cardiac arrest survival rates in the UK and LIFESAVER will help give people the confidence to step in and help in a medical emergency.
“Smartphones are now being transformed into vital training aids and developments in technology are providing unique and effective ways to give someone the skills to save a life.”
The Resuscitation Council is the medical charity that produces the official UK guidelines for CPR, followed by the NHS and first aid charities. They worked with our creative team to make Lifesaver, a revolutionary—and free—new way to learn CPR using mobile and tablet devices.
An estimated 60,000 people have an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in the UK every year. Studies show that if a bystander is able to start CPR then the chances of survival double. Lifesaver is a crisis simulator that fuses interactivity with live-action film to teach CPR on a computer, smartphone or tablet.

Lifesaver users are required to react within a given time to three intense simulations, presented as short films. Users’ effectiveness, consistency and ability to perform CPR are evaluated at the end of the experience. They can also track and share their scores through Facebook and Twitter.
The long term goals of Lifesaver are clear: To save lives. But, with technologies increasingly becoming part of everyone’s day-to-day lives, Lifesaver has the tools to make a real difference within local communities; from Secondary schooling right through to further education, the impact of this revolutionary new way to learn CPR can be enormous.
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