Miss Universe
The Official Miss Universe Website: reimagined
UNIT9 collaborated with IMG Entertainment to refashion the visual identity of the official Miss Universe Website. The result is a beautiful interactive experience, with exclusive content on the contestants and up to date news on the global program of events.

The team was asked to completely overhaul the digital identity of the Miss Universe Website. So we optimised the user experience based on a large database of legacy content, requiring significant reorganisation in the flow and design. We improved the display of the legacy content too and redesigned the color scheme and digital logo.
The platform now immerses fans in a year-round experience, bringing them closer to their favorite titleholders, events and contestants. The content is fresh, the experience is dynamic. Our redesign reflects the modern and approachable Miss Universe of today. And with real-time social content fans keep coming back for more.

See more digital work by UNIT9 here
Executive Producer
Project Manager
Creative Director
Art Director
Tech Lead
Front End Developer
Front End Developer
Front End Developer
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QA Senior Tester
QA Senior Tester
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QA Tester
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