Netflix Extraction 2 Stunts
The background
Netflix wanted to promote the upcoming release of Extraction 2 in a huge way. So we created two intense, never-been-done-before viral marketing stunts that made people stop in their tracks, both in person and online.
The execution
We erected interactive sweating billboards that let fans get up close and personal with Extraction 2 star Chris Hemsworth. From a distance, the billboards looked like regular ads. Up close, you could actually feel the actor’s sweat dripping from his brow, giving people a preview of the intense action to come in the movie.
We used lasers to cut small holes into Hemsworth’s forehead that acted as pores. A recycled water system set up behind the billboard continuously pumped water through the holes at a frequency and pressure to mimic the appearance of sweat.
In addition to making a billboard sweat on the street, we also made one fly through the air over Los Angeles. We teamed up with a stunt helicopter pilot to extract a 40-foot long, 2,000-pound billboard with a military-grade Blackhawk helicopter. It soared past crowds on the beach along the Malibu coastline, showing people something they’ve never seen before and definitely won’t forget.
The tech for both stunts was relatively simple, but the effects were huge. The sweating billboards in particular were unlike anything that’s ever been done before. With no blueprint to follow, our team did extensive research, development, trial, and error to make them look and feel realistic. Set up in New York and Los Angeles, the sweating billboards drew massive crowds of people who were intrigued, grossed out, and everything in between. People couldn’t help but touch the sweat as they walked by.
The results
The stunts were viral sensations. They were true returns to marketing stunts of the past: genuinely cool, shocking, and unexpected executions that didn’t take themselves too seriously and got people talking about the action-packed movie.
Thousands of people took sweaty selfies and filmed the helicopter carrying the billboard through the air. As a result, the campaign earned over three billion impressions in person, in the press, and on social media. The sweating billboards were recognized as an “Editor’s Pick” by AdAge and “Ad of the Day” by The Drum, and the helicopter stunt got the attention of action movie director Michael Bay.
On the heels of the billboard stunts, Extraction 2 was the number-one movie on Netflix for two weeks with over 43 million streams in just four days. Netflix announced a third movie in the series, and we’re already brainstorming clever ways to outdo ourselves for the next round of promotion!
Conception Creative Director
Executive Producer
Target Market
Release Date