- VR The Champions
- Jay BuimMotez: The Vibe
- Life in Polar Bear Town
- Mary Beard's Ultimate Rome
- Chevrolet: #DayItForward
- M I C HFitzroy's Love4Life
- Midori: Say Moshi Moshi
- Wrigley's Give Extra Get Extra
- Capital One #thedifference: Fran Kirby
- Prius: Prototypes
- Emirates NBD: Beyond
- Mr. Porter and Hexagon Classics: Icons of the Road
- Capital One #thedifference: Ross Barkley
- Sean PruenAudemars Piguet Royal Oak Concept Supersonnerie
- Stella Artois: Buy A Lady A Drink
- RushCard Live's Soul Singer
- SyFy: The Magicians
- Music and the Psychedelic mind
- Focus Features: The Forest
- UNIT9 VR Player
- Sean Pruen, Yifei ChaiStella Artois: Give Beautifully
- Hoxton Window Project: Jose Miguel Mendez
- Lightsaber Escape: An Experience Built for Chrome
- Uncanny Valley
- HortonNissan Patrol: Agent 23
- Heineken: Spyfie Legacy Film
- Heineken: Mobile-Only Logo Scan Site
- Heineken: Spyfie
- HortonMINI: Outtakes
- MINI: Real Memories
- Allianz: Have a nice day
- Vadio: Get a Vadio Experience
- VR Showreel 2015
- Hoxton Window Project: Ronnieism
- A Common FutureNicorette: Achieving the Incredible
- Williams Sonoma: Northwest Modern